Emergency Plan
The Town of Powerview-Pine Falls has completed their Emergency Plan in accordance with the provincial Emergency Measures Act.
The Emergency Coordinator is Paul Desrosier (204-891-7216).
The main potential concerns for this area are:
- Dangerous Goods
- Flood
- Fire
- Severe weather/power loss.
A plan has been drawn up and approved by the Provincial EMO for each and every one of these possible dangers.
We would like to have a volunteer base in place for emergency purposes. If you wish to volunteer please contact Paul or the Town of Powerview-Pine Falls at 204-367-8483 to listed.
The purpose of the organization is to prepare for and manage serious emergencies or disasters. On a day-to-day basis, the program is administered by the Municipal Emergency Coordinator under the supervision of the Powerview-Pine Falls Council.
Powerview-Pine Falls is ‘low risk’ for many of the natural phenomena that create problems in other parts of the world. The most likely emergency event is one caused by severe weather - tornado, blizzard, flood or ice storm, and/or a loss of electrical service. Manmade situations such as a hazardous materials spill or serious fire could also impact us.
You can help yourself by preparing for an emergency. Experts recommend that in an emergency situation residents be prepared to be self-sufficient for 72 hours. For seniors, it is important to have a ‘support system’. For further information, refer to http://www.getprepared.gc.ca.
To receive warning of severe weather, residents should monitor Environment Canada’s Weather Radio broadcast station on frequencies 162.400 MHz, 162.550 MHz, or visit "Warnings” on the Environment Canada website at http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/.
Warnings, including those for non-weather related emergencies, may be broadcast over commercial radio and television stations, and, in some cases, by emergency vehicle loudspeaker.
In the event of a hazardous materials spill, a fire or other event, you may be required to evacuate your residence. Refer to the Evacuation Checklist on this page and see http://www.getprepared.gc.ca If you are told to ‘shelter-in-place’ follow the instructions on this page.
Some situations will necessitate the use of volunteers. Persons with experience in social services, command post operations, police, medical, fire, military or similar service are invited to volunteer by submitting their names to the Municipal Emergency Coordinator. Training will be provided for those selected to assist in critical positions.
For further information call the Municipal Office or email the Municipal Emergency Coordinator Paul Desrosiers, pauldesrosiers55@hotmail.com 204-891-7216.